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Evergreen Item Data

Call Number Record

Classification Type

What type of call number is it: Dewey, LC, Generic or BISAC?

Use Generic for words or anything that is not Dewey, LC or BISAC: like Fiction Smith

Determines sort order; Important for reports 

Call Number Label

This is the call number proper

Consistency in format and case is important

Call Number Prefix and Suffix

Selected from a dropdown of prefixes and suffixes maintained by the library

Useful for reports

Consistency is important 


Barcodes are scanned for checkin, checkout and other processes.

If you are adding multiple copies to a record, you can enter the first barcode and have the system autogenerate the next barcode numbers in the series.


This is related to holds, and is only used if your library is adding items that are less than what the title record describes. When a patron is placing a hold and some or all of the items attached have Parts, they have to choose which part they want to receive.

For example, the record is for a set of 6 DVDs, and your library is circulating two separate items, Discs 1-3 and 4-6.  In this instance, you would add Discs 1-3 and Discs 4-6 to the Parts, choosing them from the dropdown or adding them as needed. 

Item Attributes


The status field contains a number of possible values, including Available, In Process, On Order, etc. You can see all the option on the dropdown menu, but some, like Checked Out, cannot be added manually but are set by the system.

Shelving Location

The Shelving Location displays in the catalog and tells people where in the library they will find the item. It can also be used in loan rules, and is useful in reports

Circulation Library

Which library (or branch) is currently circulating the item?  This is not used very often, but can be used to send a batch of items to a branch library, or even another library, where they will circulate according to the rules of the circulation library, will not be automatically sent back to the owning library when they are checked in.


Yes/No: Items with Yes may not circulate based on shelving location settings or circulation policies


Yes/No: Items with Yes may not be holdable based on shelving location settings or circulation policies

Age Hold Protection

Temporarily prevents items from traveling to other libraries to fill holds.  Age Hold Protection works with the data in Active Date. The longest period for Age Hold Protection is 3 Months, and by policy you can’t extend that period

Loan Duration 

Used with your library’s circulation policies to determine the loan period for this copy.  The options are Short, Normal and Long.  The default is Normal.

Fine Level

Used with your library’s circulation policies  to determine the fine rate for this item.  The options are Low, Normal and High. The default is Normal.

Circulation Modifier

This is a format code that is used to determine circulation rules.  You choose the appropriate format from a dropdown list. The circulation formats are shared across NOBLE, so the codes are intentionally generic. 


Free-text alert that appears in circulation


Replacement cost billed to the patron, which is usually the list price.

If there is no price in the item record, the system will bill the patron a default price, currently $25.01 for almost all libraries.  NOBLE can change the default billing price for your library, but it’s a single price for all items.

You can put different default values in templates. For example, your library might decide to always charge $15 as the replacement cost for paperbacks, and add that as the default price in your paperback template(s). This will be the new default going forward, but won’t affect items already in the system — you would have to batch update those if you wanted them to also be billed the new default amount. (Contact NOBLE if you need help with the batch updating.) If you have a default price in your template, you can override it to enter a higher or lower price for individual items.

OPAC Visible

Should the item display in the public catalog?

Shelving location setting of No will override this


Rarely used but can be used in loan rules

Acquisitions Cost

If the item was ordered through Evergreen acquisitions, this is the amount your library paid for the item

Statistical Categories

NOBLE has set up two statistical categories that will appear for all libraries. These are for age level and format information matching those used for the public library ARIS reports. These fields are outlined in red to show that they are required fields.  Libraries should not add values to this statistical category.

NOBLE: ARIS age range

Choose from a dropdown list to indicate whether the material is aimed at children, young adult or adult users.

NOBLE: ARIS formats

Choose from a dropdown list of physical formats: Books, Audio, Video, etc.


As part of the 2012 migration from our former Millennium, a local statistical category called Itemscat was created for each library based on a shared statistical field used on i in Millennium.  Each library can maintain this statistical category any way they see fit, using the Statistical Categories Editor to add or remove entries, or to change the labels. 

Other Local Statistical Categories

Libraries can set up additional Statistical Category fields and add their own values to the dropdown.  Statistical categories can be useful for reports and in working with the List Maker.

Updated on February 16, 2024

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