(New) Line Item Overview A line item in a purchase order represents the title you are ordering. The line item tracks the number of...
(New) Line Item Notes and Alerts Notes and/or alerts can be added to a line item to call attention to it or to send a note...
(New) Line Item Items [Copies] Line item copies are now referred to as items. Each line item usually has one or more items associated with...
(New) Loading MARC Order Records A MARC record file obtained from a vendor can be loaded through the Load MARC Order Records interface to create...
Creating Blanket Invoices You can create a blanket invoice for purchases that are not attached to a purchase order. There is no initial...
Direct Charges Direct charges are used to expend funds without an associated line item. Types of direct charges include processing fees, shipping...
Finding the Line Item Associated with the Item There are often times when you need to look up the order for a particular item or title but don’t...
(New) Activating a Purchase Order This section covers the process of activating a purchase order, as well as issues that may arise during the process....
(New) Blanket Order A “Blanket Order” is a special type of Direct Charge that can be used to encumber an amount of money...
(New) Creating a Purchase Order Manually Purchase orders can be created manually in Evergreen when you don’t have a file of MARC records to upload. There...
Acquisitions Glossary Listed here are terms commonly used in Evergreen Acquisitions. General Funds Purchase Orders
(New) Processing/Cataloging Acquisitions Items Getting the purchased item cataloged and out on the shelf is usually the final step in acquisitions. There are a...