It is important to check periodically to be sure that all you invoices that should be closed are actually closed. Funds are not disencumbered and expended until the invoice is actually closed. Open invoices are easy to identify in the Evergreen Client.
To Find Open Invoices
- Go to Acquisitions => Invoices.
- The default search on the Invoices tab is set to retrieve open invoices.
- If Retrieve Results Immediately is selected as part of your default search, open invoices will automatically be retrieved. Otherwise, click Search.
- If you have changed the default, set the search form as follows:
- “Invoice – Receiver” “is” “The branch or system you use for you Ordering Agency.”
- “Invoice – Close Date” “does NO exist”
- Click Search.
- Clicking on the blue Vendor Invoice ID links will open a new tab with that invoice.