You can apply tags to funds to allow you to group funds for easy reporting. For example, you could create a Fiction tag and add the tag to all your fiction funds: Adult Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, and Children’s Fiction. You are then able to run reports that include all fiction funds, rather than only reports on each separate fund.
Create a Fund Tag
- Go to Administration => Acquisitions Administration and click on Fund Administration.
- Click on the Fund Tags tab.
- The Library selector defaults to your working location. To see Tags owned at the system level check off the box next to Ancestors. To see tags for all branches select your system in the Library box and check off Descendants.
- Click on the New Fund Tab button.
- Enter the Fund Tag Name
- Enter the Fund Tag Owner.
- Click Save.
To Edit a Fund Tag
- Follow steps 1 – 3 above.
- Double click on the line for the tag you want to edit or select it and click on the actions icon
and select Edit Selected.
- Make your changes.
- Click Save.
To Delete a Fund Tag
- Follow steps 1 – 3 above.
- Select the tag you want to delete.
- Click on the actions icon
and select Delete Selected.
- You will see a message pop up in the lower right hand corner – “Fund Tag Successfully Deleted.”