Check Out Items The Check Out process links a patron record to an item record, and assigns a due date according to the...
Checking in Items The checkin process ends a checkout, and adds overdue fines if appropriate, and notifies staff of any special actions that...
Patron Names By policy, we use the patron’s legal name verified by driver’s license or other source, but we can also add...
Patron Search You can choose Search for Patron by Name from the Portal Page or from the option in the Search menu. ...
Patron Registration You can go to Patron Registration from the link on the splash page or by choosing the Register Patron option...
Replacing Patron Barcodes To replace a patron barcode, if you don’t already have the patron’s record open, you can search for it using...
Patron Passwords When you enter a patron record, you should enter a password and give that information to the patron. NOBLE provides...
Placing a Single Hold in the Staff Client You can place a hold from the staff client catalog from either the search results screen or the individual title...
AutoRenewal Autorenewal uses an automated process to identify and renew items that are eligible for renewal on or just before their...
Item Status Item Status is a special item attribute that includes useful information about where an item currently is and what’s happening...