Deleting Subscriptions
If your library is no longer receiving a serial title you may wish to delete the subscription. Subscriptions cannot be deleted if there are any “dependent objects” (e.g. Received items) associated with them. To delete a subscription for which issues have been received:
- Find the bib record for the serial title’s whose subscription has ended
- Select the “Serials” button
- From the Serials Menu, choose “Manage Subscriptions”
- Choose the “Manage Issues” tab
- Select all items that have been received
- From the “Actions” menu, choose “Delete Items”
- When the pop-up confirmation displays, click “OK/Continue”
- Select the “Manage Subscriptions” tab
- Select the subscription you wish to delete
- From the “Actions” menu, choose “Delete Subscription”
Deleting Items
To delete items, but retain a subscription: (e.g. when weeding issues)
- From the Serials menu, choose “Manage Subscriptions”
- Choose the “Manage Issues” tab
- Select all items that have been received but are being weeded
- From the “Actions” menu, choose “Delete Items”
A pop-up box will display asking you to confirm this action. Click “OK/Continue” to complete the deletion process.