There are often times when you need to look up the order for a particular item or title but don’t know what purchase order the item is on. In Evergreen you can get to the Originating Acquisition from the record summary screen, or directly from Item Status, if you have an item barcode.
From the Record Summary Screen in the Catalog
- New Staff Catalog: While viewing the bibliographic record with the Item Table tab selected, click the View link next to the item barcode. This brings you to the Item Status view.
- From the Old Catalog: While viewing the bibliographic record with the OPAC View tab selected, click the View link next to the item barcode.
- Click on the Actions menu in the upper right and choose Originating Acquisition under the Show section of the menu.
- This takes you to the purchase order landing you at the line item the item is linked to. The line item will be at the very top of the screen.
- If no line item is found a message appears. Click OK to close the message.
- If no line item is found a message appears. Click OK to close the message.
In the Old Catalog
- Click the View link next to the item barcode in the OPAC View tab. This brings you to the Item Status view.
If You Have an Item Barcode
- Go to Item Status from the Splash Page, the Circulation Menu, and the Cataloging Menu.
- Enter the item barcode and click Submit. The item should already be selected in the results grid.
- Click on the Actions menu in the upper right and choose Originating Acquisition under the Show section of the menu.
- This takes you to the purchase order landing you at the line item the item is linked to. The line item will be at the very top of the screen.
From a Group of Items in Item Status
- Select the item(s) you want to see the line items for.
- NOTE: The client will open a tab for each item selected so it is best not to select to many at a time.
- Click on the Actions menu in the upper right and choose Originating Acquisition under the Show section of the menu.
- This takes you to the purchase order landing you at the line item the item is linked to. The line item will be at the very top of the screen in each tab.